
Boy Drawing A Picture Of His Crush In Class

A little boy went to first grade. He listened while the teacher taught about Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic, but when she told the class that Art was next, he became excited. The little boy had been drawing all sorts of things at home, and was actually very gifted and way past his years with his abilities.

The teacher said they were all going to draw a flower, but everyone would have to wait until all the papers were passed out before they started. Since he sat in the second row, he got his paper before the rest of the class and was so excited he forgot the teacher said to wait. He got out his crayons and began drawing. The little boy was was well on his way to drawing a gorgeous rose in full bloom on a long stem when the teacher looked over and saw that he was not following her instructions.

This particular teacher did not tolerate children not following instructions. She walked over to the little boy and without even looking at his drawing, picked it up, gave him a blank piece of paper, and told him to wait for the rest of the class. As she passed the trash can, she threw the drawing in. The little boy was crushed and honestly did not understand why the teacher threw away his drawing or, for that matter, what he did wrong at all.

The teacher then went to the chalkboard and step-by-step walked the class through drawing a simple, child-like flower. For each step, she told them what color to use and how to draw the line. When they were done, the teacher picked up the drawings and hung them on the wall. The little boy looked at each one and could barely tell his apart from the others.

Never again did the little boy draw a gorgeous rose, or anything else original for that matter. He had learned well to follow the teacher's instructions and to do exactly what the teacher did.

{I came across a copy of this story in files I had kept from when I was teaching, I am unsure of the original source.}

This story illustrates a number of other important considerations for parents and educators when working with children and art materials;

  • Children must feel secure, safe and comfortable with the adult and any other children involved in the creative experience, knowing their ideas and feelings will be accepted and respected.
  • As art is an expression of feelings, experiences, ideas or thoughts, it cannot be produced without first feeling, thinking or experiencing.The boy in the story obviously had both rich, meaningful drawing experiences and could also recall his feelings, thoughts and actual experiences of flowers to choose a rose and draw it in such detail.
  • Meaningful experiences that motivate children to produce art should include active elements. For example, a child who has been walking in the rain and jumped in puddles will be more motivated to represent this experience creatively than a child who has just looked at rain in a book.

For more about drawing with children (plus painting, sculpting, printmaking and much more), check out my book, Time to Create: Hands On Explorations in Process Art for Young Children.Time to Create | Christie Burnett

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Christie Burnett is a teacher, presenter, writer and the mother of two. She created Childhood 101 as a place for teachers and parents to access engaging, high quality learning ideas.

Boy Drawing A Picture Of His Crush In Class


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