
How To Create Remote Desktop Connection Windows 10

You're in front of your computer and need to access a different machine. Microsoft's Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) tool will let you access everything from afar. As long as the remote computer is turned on and set up for a remote connection, you can grab a file, open an application, troubleshoot a problem, or just work remotely.

Through RDC, you can remotely access multiple computers over the same network, whether they're at home or at your office. If you remotely log into your employer's network through a VPN, you can also use RDC to connect to other PCs in your office or business. To allow a remote connection, the computer must be running Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise. Remote Desktop is not supported with Windows 10 Home edition.

Remote Desktop Connection is built into Windows but also exists as a Windows 10 Universal app in the Microsoft Store. If you want to access and control a computer from a non-Windows device, Microsoft's RDC app is also available for Mac, iOS, and Android.

Set Up Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection

remote desktop settings

First, you or someone else must physically sign into the PC you want to remotely access. Enable Remote Desktop on this computer by openingSettings > System > Remote Desktop. Turn on the switch next to Enable Remote Desktop. Click Confirm to enable the setting.

By default, the options to keep your PC awake for connections when plugged in and make your PC discoverable on private networks should both be enabled. To view or modify either option, click the appropriate Show settings link. However, you can leave both options enabled at this point. Instead, click the Advanced Settings link.

advanced settings

Check the box next to Require computers to use Network Level Authentication (NLA) to connect. NLA adds tighter security for remote connections over the same network as users must be authenticated before gaining access to the remote PC.

Assuming you're connecting to a computer on the same network, you can ignore the External connections section. The section for Remote Desktop port shows the default port to listen for and accept a remote connection.

add account

By default, any user who has an administrative account on the remote PC can access it. Assuming you're using a Microsoft Account to sign into Windows, and your account has administrative rights, your best bet is to simply use that account to sign in remotely.

If you want to grant remote access to a different account, return to the previous screen and click Select users that can remotely access this PC at the bottom of the screen. Click Add and enter the username for that account.

Finally, make note of the name of this computer as you'll need it to log in remotely. If you wish to change the computer name to something easier to remember, follow these steps. Close the Remote Desktop settings screen when you're finished.

Connect to a Remote PC from Windows

start menu

Now let's say you want to connect to this remote PC from your current computer at home. You can launch the Remote Desktop Connection tool in Windows 10 from the Windows Accessories folder in the Start menu. Click the Remote Desktop Connection entry.

The process is different for older versions of the OS. In Windows 8.1, press Win key + S to launch the Search tool, then type "windows remote desktop" and click the result. In Windows 7, click the Start button, open the Accessories folder, and select the Remote Desktop Connection shortcut.

remote desktop connection

At the RDC window, type the name or IP address of the remote PC in the Computer field. Click the Show Options button and type the username of the account you'll use to log in. If you wish to save your credentials so you don't need to enter them each time, check the box next to Allow me to save credentials and click Connect.


Enter your password at the credentials window. Check the Remember Me box if you don't want to enter your password each time you use this account. Click OK. You may receive a message saying that the identity of the remote computer cannot be verified. Check the box for Don't ask me again for connections to this computer and click Yes.

remote desktop toolbar

You should now connect to the remote computer so you can run applications, work with files, and perform other tasks. At the top of the screen is a blue connection bar with various options. You can pin the bar in place and check the connection speed with the icons on the left side. Those on the right let you minimize the remote window to the taskbar, change the window size, and terminate the remote session.

Adjust Remote Desktop Settings

remote desktop settings

From the setup screen for Remote Desktop Connection, you can tweak several of the tool's settings. Under the General tab, you can save the settings for this remote session to an RDP file and then copy that file to another computer to transfer those settings. The Display tab allows you to change the size and color depth of the remote window.

Under Local Resources, you can configure audio settings, choose when to apply Windows key combinations, and select which local resources you want to use during a remote session. You can also manually adjust the connection speed to control performance under the Experience tab and set the default action for server authentication by clicking the Advanced tab.

Use the Remote Desktop App for Windows 10

add pc

As an alternative to the built-in Remote Desktop Connection tool, you can use the Microsoft Remote Desktop app in Windows 10. Install the app from the Microsoft Store and launch it. Click the Add button and select PCs to set up a connection.

add account

Type the name of the computer to which you want to connect. If you want to be asked for the username and password each time, leave the User account field as is. Otherwise, click the + sign next to User account and enter the username, password, and display name. You can also add display name, which will serve as an account nickname. Click Save.

remote pc

Double-click the icon for the remote PC to connect to it. At the certificate screen, check the box next to Don't ask about this certificate again, then click Connect.


You're now connected to the remote PC. Instead of a blue bar on top of the screen, the Remote Desktop app uses a black panel on the side of the screen.

remote desktop app

The magnifier icon at the top zooms in and out, while the ellipsis icon switches between full screen and windowed mode. Click the ellipsis icon and then select Disconnect to end the connection.

Connect to a PC from a Mac

add pc

You can connect to a remote computer from a Mac if you install the Microsoft Remote Desktop app from the Mac App Store. Launch the app and grant the necessary permissions. Click the Add PC button, then enter the PC name or IP address.

user account

If you type the PC name, you need to enter the fully-qualified domain name. In the case of an individual PC, add .local to the end of the name, as in WINPC.local. For User Account, choose whether to keep the option set to Ask when required, or enter your username and password at this point so you don't have to enter them each time. When finished, click Add.

mac remote desktop

Click the icon for the remote computer to connect. Move your cursor to the top of the screen to display the menu bar for the remote desktop app. From the Window menu, you can change the size of the window and close the connection.

Connect to a PC From Your iPhone or iPad

add pc

You can connect to a remote PC from an iPhone or iPad by installing the Microsoft Remote Desktop app from the App Store. Launch the app and give it the necessary permissions, then tap the + button and select Add PC.

pc name

At the next window, enter the PC name or IP address of the computer that you want to access. If you use the PC name, you need to enter the fully-qualified domain name. For an individual PC, that means adding .local to the end of its name.

Enter your user account. Under General, you can create a friendly name for the connection and enable other settings. Tap Save, then select the desktop icon to connect to the computer.

From the Credentials screen, enter your password and then turn on the switch next to Store username and password if you don't want to enter them each time. Tap Done. At the authentication window, turn on the switch for Don't ask me again for connection to this PC. Tap Accept, and you're connected.

ios remote desktop

There should be a small toolbar with several icons at the top of the screen. Tap the magnifying glass to zoom in and out. The middle icon takes you back to the main screen for the app without closing your current session. Select the keyboard icon to pull up the device's keyboard.

Connect to a PC From an Android Device

add pc

Connect to a Windows PC from an Android phone or tablet by downloading the Microsoft Remote Desktop app from Google Play. Open the app and accept the agreement. Tap the + icon to add a connection and select Add PC.

pc name

If you're near the remote PC, you can scan for it wirelessly. Otherwise, add it manually. Type the PC name and username. Include any additional options, then click Save.


Tap the icon to connect to that PC. Enter your password and check the box next to Store username and password, then tap Connect. At the certificate verification screen, check the box for Never ask again for connections to this PC and click Connect.

remote desktop android

You're now connected. At the top of the screen is a small toolbar with buttons to zoom in and out, open the device's keyboard, or open additional options from side panels. From here, you can start a new connection, end the current one, go back to the home screen, and switch between touch and mouse pointer. Tap the X in the upper-left corner to disconnect.

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How To Create Remote Desktop Connection Windows 10


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