
How To Create Virtual Com Port

Free Virtual Serial Ports

Create Virtual Serial Ports and Null-Modem Cables

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Free Virtual Serial Ports Overview

Free Virtual Serial Ports is a software COM port emulation utility for Windows platform.

Our freeware virtual serial port tools kit allows you to create virtual COM ports and connect them into pairs using software-based virtual null-modem cables. It also allows the use of named pipe technology to connect the created port to a serial application or virtual serial device. Each virtual COM port exactly emulates parameters and behavior of physical serial ports. As a result, your communication application interacts with these ports in exactly the same way as it does with the hardware ones.

This free virtual serial port emulator works on Windows 10 64-bit & 32-bit as well as on all modern Windows desktop and server platforms starting from Windows Vista (including Windows 11).

Why is It So Reliable?

The product operates exclusively in user- mode. It contains no unreliable virtual serial port drivers and other kernel-mode components, ensuring that no kernel faults can arise in the entire system using this virtual serial ports emulation software. That's why only our product allows you to build truly reliable and robust serial applications.

Download this free virtual serial port emulator now!

Free Virtual Serial Ports Basic Features

Our free virtual com port tool kit fully emulates physical serial port configurations and hardware control lines. It supports emulation of legacy serial ports, Plug-and-Play ports and any standard EIA RS-232, RS-422, RS-485 I/O ports that use 16550 UART-compatible Interface. Freeware version also supports creation of virtual serial ports connected to user-specified named pipes. All created ports and their parameters (including bit rates support) are identical to the real RS232/RS422/RS485 PnP serial ports.

Virtual Serial Ports provides you with GUI and command-line application control. It allows data and signals to be transmitted without any physical null-modem connections and use of DB-9/DB-25 connectors. All standard serial port configuration parameters are emulated: baud rate, data bits, parity bits, stop bits, etc. It allows you to control serial port data flow, emulating DTR, DSR, CTS, RTS, DCD, and RI signal lines. Product supports Windows WMI, Power Management, PnP and other technologies.

Download Free Virtual Serial Ports now!

Virtual Serial Ports Extended Features

This is a Freemium product, that is, its basic virtual serial port and links emulation features are free, while access to advanced features requires payment. The paid version of virtual serial port emulator allows creation of unlimited number of virtual serial interfaces, com port pairs and pipe-connected ports.

Virtual serial ports can be paired either locally on the same PC (free version) or remotely on different PCs (paid version) by means of a local network or Internet connection. Created virtual ports and null modem connections are automatically restored after connection loss or computer reboot. Program supports custom serial port configurations (baudrate, parity, databits, stopbits, and flowcontrol). Software XON/XOFF flow control, hardware flow control and even custom flow control are supported.

All possible wiring layouts for the data and handshaking/flow control lines are supported. The product allows emulation of standard null modem pinouts (full pinout, partial, loopback) and the creation of custom pinout schemes.

Among product's advanced functions are the following unique features: TX buffer overflow emulation and serial line noise emulation. The first one allows you to emulate TX UART buffer overflow situations and the second one adds configurable line noise to your serial transmission. Both are designed to help you develop robust, data-loss-resistant solutions, implement error correction algorithms and more.

Advanced version of Virtual Serial Ports comes with a Software Developer Kit (SDK). It provides you with ActiveX/COM Component and .NET Component, allowing you to easily control virtual Com ports and connections within your project code. Virtual Serial Port Developer API supports different programming languages, including C++, C# and JavaScript/TypeScript.

Download it now!

How It Works

How It Works

The product consists of a virtual COM port driver, an in-process COM server and configuration utilities. Our serial port virtualization technology is built around a user-mode driver, which greatly improves overall system stability and ensures no kernel-mode failures can ever happen in your system. In-process COM server offers a rich API that allows you to create and manage virtual serial devices from external applications. The configuration utility has a sleek and intuitive graphical interface. Command-line utility is also available to facilitate port creation and management.

Thanks to its operation in user-mode, our product is a free and much more reliable alternative to any kernel-mode virtual COM port driver (including null-modem emulator by com0com). Plus, our driver is signed with a digital certificate so it installs smoothly on Windows10 x64 and all recent Windows systems.

Our Free Virtual Com Port driver can facilitate development, testing and debugging of your serial applications.

Download it now!

Supported Devices and Technologies

Supported Devices and Technologies

Our Free Virtual Serial Port driver can be used with any communication software designed to control the following RS232, RS422, RS485 equipment and peripherals:

Dial-up modems, terminals, RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485 test instruments, industrial equipment and automation systems, RS-232 controllers, laboratory automation equipment, scientific instruments, Serial device servers, NPort servers, GPS receivers, POS terminals, bar code readers, multiport serial boards, Serial to fiber converters, RS-232 to RS-422/485 converters etc.

Download it and start emulating DTE and DCE in seconds!

System Requirements

System Requirements

Product requires dual-core x86 or x64 compatible CPU, 2 GB of RAM and at least 16 Mb of HDD/SSD free space. It supports all recent Windows x86 and x64 platforms including Windows 10, Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022.

Download it now, it's FREE.

Free Virtual Serial Port Advantages

  1. Reliable. It uses only user mode API calls.
  2. Flexible. It supports a variety of serial port bridging types.
  3. Compatible. It works with most serial port applications.
  4. Transparent. It's compatible with most serial port sniffers.
  5. FREE. It costs nothing!

Patrizio Barbini

Our company produces software for large cruise ships; operating environments are ofter quite difficult to set up, so we do work with many subsystem simulator in order to make the very fists test & debug sessions. COM ports are real ports on our servers (when not replaced by Ethernet connections), but when it comes to perform small test (e.g. in smart-working), then a tool like Free Virtual Serial Ports is a very useful addon for building the test environment.

Patrizio Barbini Developer

Create and Manage Virtual Serial Ports

Free Virtual Serial Ports Advantages

Create and Manage Virtual Serial Ports

How To Create Virtual Com Port


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