How To Draw A Mela
Mela is all about recipes and how to make it easy for you to add them from various sources to your personal collection.
- Quickly save a recipe while browsing. Mela's in-app browser will display a live preview when it detects a recipe on the currently viewed page. Want to add or view a recipe from outside of Mela? Just use Mela's sharing extension.
- Subscribe to your favorite recipe blogs to view all the recipes in Mela's native recipe viewer.
- Scan a recipe from a book. With the help of text recognition, you can just add it to your personal collection and view it in Mela's native recipe viewer, as any other recipe.
Keep everything in sync.
- Mela can sync with iCloud which is enabled by default. All your recipes, browser bookmarks and feed subscriptions are synced to all your devices.
- Please note that recipes from feeds and your browser history are not synced.
Mela is also an RSS reader, kind of.
- Never heard of RSS? Don't worry, Mela handles everything for you. It just needs the site address of a blog and will list all RSS feeds it was able to find. Once you subscribe to a feed, all incoming articles from this blog will be checked for a recipe. If Mela is able to extract one, it will be added to your Feeds inbox and you'll be able to view it in Mela's native recipe viewer. (Note that the Feeds feature only works for sites that support this, most of them do.)
- Recipes from feeds are not directly added to your personal collection. But if you like a recipe, you can easily add it.
In-app browser with live preview.
- Mela comes with its own in-app browser to make it easier to search for and add recipes.
- While browsing, Mela will try to extract a recipe on the currently viewed page. If it finds one, it will be displayed in Mela's native recipe viewer, on the same screen on iPad and macOS and a swipe-left away on the iPhone.
Full screen cook mode.
- The cook mode makes it easy to follow all steps while cooking, in full screen (optional), displayed using a larger font to make sure everything stays readable even when you're not right in front of your device.
- All but the current steps are dimmed to help you keep focused while cooking.
- Check off of any ingredients you have added by simply tapping/clicking on an entry to avoid having to scan through the list multiple times to see what's missing.
- Mela's groceries list is stored in the Reminders app so it stays usable if you, for example, only want to use the Mac version of Mela. If you've set up Reminders to sync over iCloud, you can access your groceries list on all your devices in Reminders.
Privacy Policy
- Mela does not collect any data. If iCloud Sync is enabled, your data is stored securely in a private container in your iCloud account. Mela does not depend on or use any third-party service.
Contact & Support
- General questions or something that's not covered in the Help section or in the FAQ?
Email → hello - Are you a site owner (recipe blog etc.) and have an issue with Mela?
Email → sites
How To Draw A Mela
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