
How To Draw A Realistic Pansy

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:diamonds: :hearts: :diamonds: :hearts: :diamonds: :hearts: :diamonds: :hearts:

Hello welcome to another blog! Ana here with a art blog! This is the second art blog I've done ,my first being me drawing a Phoenix, I drew Pansy P in this one. I drew like multiple pansy's to be quite frank. I did multiple types of styles? Texture's?? Mediums??? I don't know I'm no longer an art student :v: :relieved: . I hope ypu enjoy this ramble of a blog! :revolving_hearts: :point_right: :point_left:


:diamonds: :hearts: :diamonds: :hearts: :diamonds: :hearts: :diamonds: :hearts:

:diamonds: Pansy :diamonds:

Pansy is basically in my opinion an egirl before an egirl was a thing. She would have that attitude and would dress to show it.

The face claims behind Pansy were Maggie Lindeman and Madison Beer. Their looks and style together honestly just fit what I had in mind while drawing Pansy.

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:hearts: Stuff I used :hearts:

:diamonds: A Pencil

:hearts: A Rubber/Eraser

:diamonds: Fine Liner/Black ink Pen

:hearts: Water Colours

:diamonds: Water

:hearts: Paper Towels

:diamonds: Paint brush

:hearts: Pinterest

:diamonds: Step One :hearts:

Firstly I searched Pinterest for a good reference photo which in my opinion was quite hard. There were no perfect photo that I liked enough so I just had my sister send me pics of the given girls. I will put the reference photo after the one I drew. And let's just be honest I am bad at art so ofc it looks tragic next to the real photo.

I then sketched out a light sketch that worked on that for what seemed like f o r e v e r. It just never looked good enough.

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:hearts: Step two :hearts:

Step two was basically where I forgot I was doing a blog and forgot to take progress shots.

For this part I basically pucked a girl and started drawing her , used pencil for this one. I started on the hair first and added light streaks with the pencil trying to get some realistic patterns in the hair but failing.

I then went onto the lips which were really hard to do as i lost my rubber and couldn't add good highlights. Anyway basically I just shaded the lips in adding dark and light bits. At thi point I had given up making it look actually good and realistic. So it kind of looks bad buy not at the same time. Aha I don't even know.

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:diamonds: Step Three :diamonds:

Basically for this piece I used a pencil to sketch out the drawing and then did the watercolor. I wet the paint brush then put it on the paper then used the paint brush to..... watercolor......

I then used the good ol' black ink marker ink pen thing to add the 'detail'. Which is a lie because no detail got added except black lines. Fun....

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:hearts: Step Four :hearts:

Next I worked on this pure beauty *sarcasm* , the anatomy is all completely wrong. Like her hips then her legs just font go under them.... The logic and anatomy of this drawing is so tragic. Like cancelled. Its also very green and yeah seeing as pansy is a Slytherin she's rocking the green look. Even adding green and the egirl front fringe thing. She's a big Slytherin supporter obviously. We are not , I repeat we are not going to talk about the boots. Just ew.

I used a pencil to sketch out the drawing and then went over it with the magic black pen. I colored it in green and then added for black lines.

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:diamonds: Step Five :diamonds:

For this drawing I used a circle to draw the circle which is suppose to be a mirror but I forgot it was suppose to be a mirror so I coloured it yellow.

I used the yellow pencil color to do the background and the pink colour for the hair and jumper then I used the black pen to do the details.

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:hearts: Step Six :hearts:

This is the only drawing on her that I actually like. I used a black pen and then went over the sketch , that was in pencil , to add the detail. I used different techniques to add more detail and more structure.

For the hair I used the same pen but used a different technique. I did a few messy lines so that I had the structure to work with. I then added more lines from the root downwards , I skipped a bit so I could have highlights , I then worked from the tips upwards.

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:diamonds: Step Seven :diamonds:

For this piece of "a r t" I used a pencil to sketch out the design , then I went over it in coloured pencil. I lost my orange "skin coloured" pencils do I improvised and used red , then I lost that pencil and finished the rest of the drawing in brown and green.

Im a bad artist c h e c k :v: :kissing:

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:hearts: Step Eight :hearts:

I basically ended the drawing by adding more black pen. Because I don't know.

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:diamonds: :hearts: The End :hearts: :diamonds:

Ahhh the end of the blog *sips caprisun* well I'd just like to say thank you. If you decided to stick to the end of the blog please comment down below a character or beast that I should draw next. I promise you I can draw better than this I'm just a lazy artist. :v: :art: :womans_hat:

Welp time for me to make a dramatic leave.


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How To Draw A Realistic Pansy


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